A few words by Pierre Kopff, CEO

Has ever the competition among automotive makers been as fierce as seen today?
Sure is the fact that the development of autonomous driving capabilities for trucks and cars has become a big deal for a large number of stakeholders. Testing is a key factor as far as safety and reliability are concerned.
Other fields are equally under pressure for better efficiency and faster speed of development process. For instance, design in general or innovative lighting functions are asked to participate to the trend of less hardware prototyping and acceleration of the time leading to product maturity.
OCTEC, through the mission of reproducing indoor any environment condition prevailing outdoor, especially for natural or artificial light, is directly involved in the evolution of industries like automotive industry.
Myself, I am dedicated to apply what I have learned here in Japan about quality of hardware production, crossing this with fundamentals about light or simulation.
The support we bring to our clients is not limited to product delivery. Indeed, we are going on forwarding engineering and consulting services. They have for a long time been one of the roots of the confidence shown by our clients towards our team.
Pierre Kopff, CEO
Key members

KK OCTEC, a company established under Japanese law
Address | HYATS2822 B1F 2-8-22 Nakane Meguro-ku Tokyo, 152-0031, Japan |
CEO | Pierre Kopff |
Capital | 30 M JPY |
Tel | +81-(0)3-3723-9701 |
Fax | +81-(0)3-3723-9703 |
OCTEC through some milestones
- 2002
- Creation (Oktal japon founded 50/50 with Oktal SAS)
- 2005
- Local control of 100% of capital
- 2008
- Delivery of first simulators in Japan for dynamic assessment of automotive lighting
- 2009
- First participation to JSAE exhibition, annual participation since then
- 2017
- Change of company name