Actual Luminance Record & Analysis System
High performances system: image definition (maximum of 8192 x 4320), frame rate (till 120 Hz), contraste (till 16,5 stops)
Main functions of recording HDR images (videos) and photometric analysis (luminance and colors of the scene and elements).
Data obtained by oT-Record may be entered in HALDiS® for display at scale 1:1 (brightness and colors)
For details, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Analysis and processing of data by associated software
The software joined to oT-Record allows efficient visualization of photometric data and sustains their analysis in time and space. Data export is possible under standard format (csv and other) or towards HALDiS® for display at scale 1:1.

Application case #1
Efficient quantitative assessment of driving scenes brightness and visibility
Fast and powerful measurement of luminance.
Until now, brightness of driving scenes had to be measured either through illuminance measurement or by spot luminance measurement.
With oT-Record, it becomes easy to measure at high speed and high level of definition driving scenes. Visibility assessment becomes precise and efficient.
Difficult environment cases such as traffic signal facing or in front of sun, tunnel entrance and exit may be assessed along a quantitative approach with a high level of reliability.

Application case #2
Indoor test of camera & HUD
Real brightness display of recorded data
Recorded scenes, traffic scenarios, even of remote countries, are easily shown dynamically and under real brightness (luminance) by HALDiS® system. HDR video data obtained from oT-Record act as source data of HALDiS®.
Put a camera in front of HALDiS® and you can test sensing systems without actual on-road testing setup. Indoor testing becomes possible with easiness, efficiency and flexibility.
Applying the same approach, you may test indoor HUD systems or visual parts easily.

Application case #3
In depth analysis of industrial prototype
Case of body or emissive part with variable lighting conditions
Until now, it was difficult to measure variable light conditions prevailing over the body of an industrial product or linked to a variable source of light including reflections.
oT-Record enables the recording and the analysis of dynamically changing light conditions. When automotive sector is concerned, recording under real traffic conditions becomes possible.
The display in real brightness level is also possible by data input in HALDiS® system.