Recording of dynamic high level HDR videos, on-site measurement of luminance
We perform or help the recording of videos of drives on test course or public road with the use of o-T-Record. High performance digital camera is used enabling efficient capabilities in terms of dynamic range and other features, including also analysis of recorded data.

3D modelling of real road (private test course or public road)
We make full use of more than 20 years of experience in the field of road engineering and virtual 3D models. We apply in-house developed processes based on valorization of public data and road design standards, whatever the country concerned.
Absence of any external sub-contracting means for the client the guaranty of confidentiality.
Produced virtual scenes may be used under o-T-Sim in order to perform virtual testing with validated lighting conditions at scale 1:1.

Customization of any system or function
We handle any kind of system customization. Are concerned especially HILS, communication, external control/ command, data fusion, etc.
Customization of HALDiS® model under specific request is also within the scope of engineering services by OCTEC.

Consulting services are proposed in line of OCTEC experience in the field of construction consultant and taking profit of its international network.